Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

    The poem "Do not go gentle into that good night", was a mystery poem which left readers utterly confused. The poem had a rhythm and repeated itself. After reading the poem about five times, I kind of found the view point of it. The poem is about a drunken man who basically was saying do not die lonely and boring. He wants people to live in the moment and live life to the fullest, instead of sitting around and waiting to die. The quote "Old age should burn and rave at close of day", says to me as age should not be a factor to stop doing fun things in life. Just because you are 70, does not mean you can not ride roller coasters or go zip lining. At 70 years of age, people might hurt themselves, but at least they would have fun doing something exciting.


  1. That is so true, this poem is confusing. For me it is one of those poems that leave me saying "Huh?"

  2. I haven't read this poem but this is something i would love to read just from the information you gave here.
